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Contrary to popular belief, there is no limitation on the number of loudspeakers that can be connected to an amplifier – in fact the more speakers the better the system works because the sound is disbursed over a larger area.

A common misconception that large loudspeakers drain more power from an amplifier than small loudspeakers. This is not true.

Another misconception is that only a small number of loudspeakers can be connected to an amplifier. This is not true.


This is because the Amplifier is a GENERATOR and the loudspeaker is the LOAD on the Amplifier. When more than one loudspeaker is driven, the power is shared between them so there is no power loss – in fact because the cone of each loudspeaker does not need to travel as far, less energy is required so it becomes more efficient. The frequency response will also improve and with less distortion.

The system power handling capacity will increase according to the rating and load sharing of each loudspeaker. Load is shared in proportion to the rated impedance of each loudspeaker in the system.

Note: Tube Amplifiers requires accurate matching of the ACTUAL loudspeaker load to the nearest RATED or NOMINAL Output Transformer secondary winding impedance. Do the maths.

Loudspeakers are rated for both power handling capacity and SPL. The diameter of the loudspeaker does not affect the load on the amplifier, because the loudspeaker voice coil impedance will automatically respond to the power available to it from the Amplifier. A 12 inch driver will not sound louder than a 10 inch driver having the same SPL efficiency – but it will sound different because the cone is thicker and heavier.

Loudspeaker magnet size is not an indicator of performance – refer to the selected speaker specs.

Loudspeakers are air pumps so it follows the larger the diameter the more air volume is pumped.

To prevent acoustic energy short-circuiting from the front to rear of a loudspeaker the loudspeaker MUST be mounted on a suitable baffle board or mounted in a cabinet designed to match the loudspeaker characteristics.

A loudspeaker has a limited cone excursion capability. Over-driving a loudspeaker will destroy it mechanically.

A loudspeaker has a limited electrical current capability. Over-driving a loudspeaker will destroy it electrically.

Each loudspeaker diameter has an optimum voice coil diameter v frequency response. The larger the voice coil diameter the better the bass response and lesser the high frequency response. Compare the specs.


The way it works is that the amplifier is an electrical generator that supplies AC power to its load, in this case a loudspeaker. Thus the amplifier is a supplier of electrical power and the loudspeaker is a consumer of electrical power.

This works in the same way that a stove or heater or lamp draws power from the mains supply. The amount of power consumed is proportionate to the rated device power consumption – e.g. a 40 watt lamp will consume twice the power as a 20 watt lamp on the same circuit.

So how does the amplifier know how much power to supply to the loudspeaker?

The amount of power supplied by the amplifier is determined by the voltage it delivers to its loudspeaker load impedance.  In our case for guitar amplifier applications the load is a loudspeaker having a typical impedance of 2, 4, 8, 16 or 32 Ohms.

The voltage across the load impedance terminals in turn determines the current drawn by the load because a speaker presents a notionally fixed load impedance.  See Ohm’s Law

Voltage output from an amplifier can be anywhere from zero at zero signal input to its maximum voltage output capability at full signal input.

The actual voltage output is determined by either the Amplifier’s Gain Control or the Guitar’s on-board “Volume” (gain) control.


WATTS = Volts x Amperes. (Amps)                  AC WATTS = DC WATTS


So if the amplifier supplies the Volts what then determines the amount of current (Amperes) supplied?

The answer is the LOAD, which is the loudspeaker impedance – usually 4 or 8 Ohms.


The formula to calculate this is AC Watts = voltage (E) squared divided by the load impedance (R).


e.g. a 40 watt amplifier driving a 4 Ohm speaker will deliver 12.65 Volts (V) AC to the loudspeaker. That is 12.65 squared = 160/4 = 40

e.g. a 40 watt amplifier driving an 8 Ohm speaker will deliver 17.89 Volts (V) AC to the loudspeaker. That is 17.89 squared = 320/8 = 40


The current will be Current (I) squared x load impedance (R)

e.g. a 40 watt amplifier driving a 4 Ohm speaker will deliver 3.16 Amps (I) AC to the loudspeaker. That is 3.16 squared = 10 x 4 = 40

e.g. a 40 watt amplifier driving an 8 Ohm speaker will deliver 2.24 Amps (I) AC to the loudspeaker. That is 2.24 squared = 5 x 8 = 40


Another common misconception is that too many loudspeakers will harm the amplifier. This is not true.

It follows that because the actual load is the sum of its parts there is no limit to the number of loudspeakers that can be driven by one amplifier. So long as the load presented to the amplifier is the correct load to suit the Output Transformer setting/tap then the amplifier does not know if it is driving one speaker or ten.

The power output is simply spread/divided across the number of speakers connected to it.

The only proviso is that when speakers having unequal rated impedances are mixed together then the power supplied to each will not be identical – e.g. In the case of a 4 Ohm and an 8 Ohm speaker connected together in series, the 8 Ohm unit will receive the highest share of the supplied voltage so will attract the greater power.  The 8 Ohms unit will receive twice the voltage of the 4 Ohm unit and therefore four times the power. That is the 4 Ohms unit will receive only 1/3 the total power. In this situation speaker power handling capacity becomes an important consideration.

Conversely, in the case of a 4 Ohm and an 8 Ohm speaker connected together in parallel, the applied voltage is the same for both speakers but the 4 Ohm unit will consume the highest share of the supplied current so will attract the greater power. In this case the voltage supplied from the amplifier is the same for both loudspeakers.

An alternative if the Output Transformer is multi-tapped, is to supply the 4 Ohm unit from the 4 Ohm tap and the 8 Ohms unit from the 8 Ohms tap.


It is not wise to mix speakers of differing impedance or efficiency in the one cabinet, because the more efficient speakers will tend to acoustically drive the weak units. When the speakers are different it is better to use separate cabinets.

The easiest way around this is to use identical speakers for multiple cabinet systems.



In traditional full range – 30 Hz to 20 kHz – home hi-fi systems, the bass loudspeaker (woofer) intended to reproduce down to about 30 Hz requires a large enclosure of at least 8 cubic feet volume, made from heavy timber and suitably padded internally with damping material.

However this is just not practicable for the professional musician because the box is too big and bulky, too heavy and will not readily fit into our motor vehicle or onto a stage.

Large, heavy enclosures are not likely to fit comfortably onto a standard venue stage after the other musicians have taken their share of available space. Large, heavy enclosures can also present a safety hazard if their centre of gravity is too high, or their height to base dimensions ratio is out of proportion (read tall, narrow or thin enclosures).

Graphic equalisers and tone controls may be used to compensate for bass rolloff in the lower register - if at all


What we need for the professional guitarist musician is a small enclosure having a high power handling capacity across the guitar frequency range – nominally 80 Hz to at least 1kHz to capture the fundamental tone for each note.

But it is the harmonics that give sound its distinctive tone and unique identity, so to capture the harmonics of the upper register the system frequency response needs to extend to at least about 3 kHz to capture the fourth harmonic across the first 12 frets.

Most importantly it must have an even frequency response so that as each note is played moving up or down the musical scale, the sound loudness will be constant.

That is a big ask.

However, all is not lost because buried in the annals of textbooks and papers, is a wealth of information to help us in our quest to build our ideal guitar amplification system.



One useful indicator of power needs is the loudspeaker's SPL (sound pressure level) rating. This rating is determined by measuring sound pressure (acoustic) energy under standard defined conditions - usually at 1 metre from the radiating surface with an electrical input power of 1 watt RMS at 400 Hz (cps).

The SPL rating enables a quick reliable comparison to be made between different choices of loudspeaker. For example a speaker having an SPL of  87 db will require TWICE as much electrical input power (RMS Watts) as a similar size loudspeaker having an SPL of 90 db to reproduce the same sound pressure energy level (i.e. "loudness") in the listening room.

In other words a 10W amplifier/90 db loudspeaker combination will sound just as loud as a 20W amplifier/87 db loudspeaker combination!!! Now there is some food for thought!!

If you can afford electrically efficient loudspeakers like JBL, Altec, Electrovoice, or Eminence, having a sensitivity of 105 db SPL or more, then amplifier power needs will be hugely less - unless you like very loud music!!  Believe it or not, such a loudspeaker will need only 1/63 rd the power of that needed to drive an 87 db efficient loudspeaker. That is, your JBL, Altec, Electrovoice, or Eminence, will be effectively 63 times more powerful with the same amplifier!!

Another way of saying it is that a 105 db loudspeaker driven by a 1 watt amplifier will be just as loud as an 87 db loudspeaker driven by a 63 watt amplifier. Time to throw away those old inefficient drivers!!

Standard lab tests on tube amps for power output are always performed using resistive loads (which present a constant load impedance to the amplifier) at typically 400Hz. This frequency coincides with the standard test frequency for loudspeakers. It also approximates the frequency range where rated loudspeaker impedance is expressed in its rated value in Ohms. – e.g. Performance at 400 Hz is well above the lower range - where we need strong performance.


For further details of the relationship between power and decibels please refer to the Decibel Chart provided.

A word of warning though - increased loudspeaker efficiency means higher output levels for background hum, noise and hiss. More attention will be needed to the amplifier's design if an acceptable result is sought. Ultimately there will be a trade-off between the competing needs. There is some practical justification then in using a low-cost amplifier to drive a low cost loudspeaker!!

When comparing SPL ratings ensure they have been measured using the same method. Some manufacturers quote SPL ratings at full rated output, which will obviously look better than the SPL produced from 1 watt at 1 metre.

NOTE: Although some specific brands of loudspeakers have been mentioned above as being (relatively) "high efficiency", not all of the models produced by these manufacturers are in that category.

SPL ratings for specific brands and types of loudspeakers vary widely so it is recommended that the manufacturer's catalogue data sheet be studied before forming conclusions.


It is wise to limit power output to a level that the loudspeakers can withstand comfortably, noting that loudspeaker power ratings are generally set at 400 Hz and assume the loudspeaker is installed in a properly designed enclosure that provides adequate cone loading and damping to limit system resonance and prevent cone overshoot.

As a rule of thumb, it is a wise precaution to halve the loudspeaker manufacturer's ratings, particularly if they are published as "peak" watts.

Music power, IHMF and PMP etc. ratings should be appropriately derated to RMS equivalent.

Remember, our SPL rating is measured at 400 cps. The actual frequency response over the full frequency range - particularly in the lower register - needs to be evaluated.

It has been observed that some manufacturers slightly exaggerate the power ratings of their loudspeakers - computer speakers are a current example - e.g. 1200 W from a 4" loudspeaker - so look for documented verification or test reports of quoted or claimed ratings.

Always compare speaker ratings on RMS rated power handling capacity. RMS is an internationally recognised unit of measurement and provides a standard way of rating and comparing.

On the other hand, the commonly used rating of Peak Power has different meanings in different places. It can be anywhere from 1.414 x RMS to 2 x RMS.

PMPO, or Peak Music Power Output, means the instantaneous power the unit can handle. It essentially relates to the current the unit can handle for a very short interval of time before it fuses or the speaker mechanically self-destructs. PMPO is totally useless and meaningless rating for BASS guitars.

The short-time current a conductor can carry during a short-circuit - such that the conductor heats to a predetermined temperature during the duration of the short-circuit, is defined as I squared x T (current squared x time = a constant). The value of the constant is irrelevant - except to determine time.

The International Standard time for determining short-circuit ratings (which require the conductor to remain intact and not suffer visible damage) is ONE second, so for practical purposes the temperature rise of a conductor is determined by the square of the current - which is also the formula for determining power.

We can thus say that the power handling capacity of a loudspeaker (or any wire based device such as a transformer) is directly proportional to the electrical current in - up to its maximum capability, when the conductor will fuse (in a loudspeaker this is the voice coil winding)

PMPO ratings simply take an RMS value and divide it into a very short time interval.

If we use that one second nominal time as a basis for determining a PMPO rating, then for a 10 watt RMS rated loudspeaker at 400 Hz (which is the standard rating frequency), we can calculate a PMPO rating for a time interval of one half of an RMS cycle (1/800th of a second for a 400 Hz signal) by the formula:

1 second multiplied by 800 = 800 x 10 watts = 8000 Watts

This is how 10 watts increases to 8000 watts!!

Obviously the rating will vary dramatically with frequency.

If we increase the frequency to 1,000 Hz the PMPO will increase to 20,000 watts.

Remember ancient Australian saying: "BULLSHIT BAFFLES BRAINS" !!


Many modern loudspeakers have huge magnets and rock hard cones made from heavy plastic, metal or carbon fibre materials.

Unfortunately none of this indicates efficiency and it may well be that a loudspeaker that looks rugged and chunky with huge magnet actually has a low SPL performance resulting in a severe efficiency loss matching the lower price tag.

Often it will be observed that in loudspeakers up to 15 inches in diameter, those having small magnets and paper cones actually outperform those with large magnets and plasticised carbon fibre cones - particularly in the lower bass region. This is because the heavy cone requires more power to drive it. More power input means more electrical current through the voice-coil. More current means larger diameter wire. Larger diameter wire is heavier and produces a lower ampere/turns ratio in the magnetic field. Heavier wire means more mass to shift. More mass to shift requires a stronger magnetic field. A stronger magnetic field requires a larger, stronger magnet. Because there are physical and cost limitations on all of these parameters, the usual approach is to simply use larger wire, which translates into less electrical efficiency in the electromotive energy available to drive the cone.

Another relevant design feature with modern high-excursion cone drivers is that when the cone is driven to its extremity, the voice coil must still be within the magnetic field of the pole piece to electro-magnetically drive and/or control cone movement. It is obvious that the more the cone travels in and out, the longer the voice coil must be, which means there will be fewer turns of wire actually in the magnetic field of the driver at any instant of time. This translates into lower efficiency - unless design techniques are incorporated to maintain the electro-mechanical efficiency of the transducer.

So our modern inefficient 100 W RMS loudspeaker may need 100 W to drive it - but not to actually deliver more sound pressure output than the 20 W loudspeaker of yesteryear.

Cone suspension systems vary markedly but, as a rule of thumb, modern rubber surround suspensions used in sub-woofers and car (automobile) audio speakers are not as reliable as the traditional "accordian" suspension. Cellular foam rubber suspensions tend to literally fall apart after a relatively short period of time - particularly if exposed to sunlight, however solid neoprene rubber suspensions offer good performance and a long life.

Treated linen surrounds are best for most musical instrument applications.

When selecting a loudspeaker, carefully check to ensure the cone can move reasonably freely - but not "floppy" - and the spider suspension (usually yellow treated fabric around the voice coil at the back of the cone) is of large diameter and capable of free travel. To check, gently and carefully grasp the cone on opposite sides using the thumb and forefinger then check movement. The coil should not rub or scrape.

The spider should sit flat to position the voice coil centrally in its magnetic field.

It will be observed by the very critical listener that paper-coned loudspeaker sound qualities vary throughout the seasons. In summer, when cones dry out, they tend to give brighter, cleaner sound, and sound louder. But in winter, or wet weather, the moisture content in the cone increases, making it heavier and therefore less sensitive to transient peaks, producing a 'duller" sound.

Bass response will tend to improve slightly and resonance reduce from a heavier cone. This feature is incorporated into heavy duty professional bass speakers, which have heavy cones, heavy voice coil wire and large magnets to maintain efficiency.

Note however that a well designed loudspeaker of modest power rating - e.g. 25-30 W RMS - does not need a large diameter voice coil or large magnet to be an effective transducer.

For high fidelity reproduction, it is far better to have a light cone move little than a heavy cone move a lot - the further the cone travels the less linear the sound reproduction will be.

It follows that for a given level of power output, a large diameter loudspeaker will be more linear than a small diameter loudspeaker.


The Guitar has a useable frequency range of about 3 octaves.


Bottom E is at about 87 Hz and top E at the G string is about 329 Hz.

When the instrument is tuned to A440 pitch of 440 Hz:

The 6th string Bottom E is set to 82 Hz

The 1st string Top E is set to 329 Hz

Using the above chart, the harmonics of 6th string Bottom E (82Hz) occur at approximately 165 (2nd), 248 (3rd), 330 (4th), 413 (5th), 495 (6th), 578 (7th), 660 (8th), 743 (9th), 825 (10th) Hz.

Using the above chart, the harmonics of 1st string Top E (329Hz) occur at approximately 658 (2nd), 987 (3rd), 1316 (4th), 1645 (5th), 1974 (6th), 2303 (7th), 2632 (8th), 2961 (9th), 3290 (10th) Hz.

However, allowing for a top fundamental frequency of say 659 Hz at the 12th fret and harmonics to the 10th harmonic of that fret to 6,590 Hz, we need a wide range speaker to accurately reproduce the full for guitar.

A good quality cone speaker will do the job well. In fact a good PA single or twin cone speaker will be ideal.

But guitarists do not think that way and want a speaker designed specifically for them – i.e. they prefer to see the label say “Guitar Speaker”.

In fact, as is shown below in the frequency response curve graphs for some popular respected guitar speakers, the useable range extends only to 5 to 6kHz at best. The result is loss of all harmonics above that limiting frequency. Some compensation can be achieved with the use of a treble tone control but this has limited effect.

However there is more to guitar tone than fundamental frequencies and some degree of midrange is desirable for colouration or “brightness”.

From the above and the frequency response curves below, we can assume that because the typical guitarist plays mostly around the middle of the neck between the 5th and 12th frets (Key of A) he does not need to hear the higher harmonics and is satisfied with midrange performance to about 3 kHz.

That translates into a simple single-cone speaker system supplied from an amplifier having a flat response to less than 10 KHz.

Those requirements give us a good guide to the quality and performance of the Output Transformer requirements.

Note: If higher harmonics are sought it is essential to use a wide-range speaker delivering good top-end response. Separate tweeters are not viable so a solution is in twin-cone speakers.



The POWER response, or sensitivity expressed in SPL (Sound Pressure Level), of a loudspeaker system is critical because a difference of +- 3 db equates to a power change of double or half the electrical watts from the datum at any point upon the frequency response curve.

A difference in SPL of +- 10 db equates to an electrical power input change of ten times increase or 1/10 the electrical watts from the datum.

A difference in SPL of +- 20 db equates to an electrical power input change of one hundred times increase or 1/100 the electrical watts from the datum.

The effect of this generic performance in loudspeakers is that a speaker having a rated SPL of 90 db at 1 watt electrical power input will require an increase of ten times that power – or 10 watts – to achieve the same acoustic loudness (SPL) as a speaker rated at 100 db at 1 watt. 

Theoretically, if a band plays at 100 db average SPL the guitar will need only a 1 watt amplifier when using a speaker rated at 100 db at 1 watt. 

But the 1 watt is measured at 1 metre from the speaker itself.

Unfortunately SPL drops away very quickly with distance, people and furnishings soak up sound, and rooms often have sound absorbing ceilings and/or carpeted floors.

Typical stages have carpeted floors to dampen vibration and for comfort. These also soak up acoustic energy.

Now if the background noise level in a venue is say 60 db, then for the band to play at a typical comfortable SPL of 100 db, the amplifiers need to drive the speakers to maybe 130 db – (extremely loud).

30 db increase equates to a power increase of 1,000 times.

That means our 100 db sensitive speaker requires 1,000 watts input - impossible to attain because the loudspeaker will not be able to handle that much power.

In the case of the 90 db SPL speaker it does not have a chance because the power input will need to be 10,000 watts for the same SPL of 130 db.

Similarly, a frequency response difference of 3 db equates to a need for twice the electrical power to attain the same "loudness" - refer Decibel Chart for power ratios.

So a better (i.e. 'flatter") frequency response curve means cost-free power output. It also means more natural sound where individual notes across the musical scale are reproduced with more equal loudness.



An example of this phenomenon is shown in the following typical frequency response graph for a high-quality low-frequency reproducer - i.e. "Woofer" - SYSTEM - i.e. Woofer loudspeaker mounted in an enclosure.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This graph does not show the frequency response of the loudspeaker by itself, and include enclosure resonances and enclosure design impact upon loudspeaker performance - which is what the listener hears in any case.

Note the average SPL of 100 db across most of the usable frequency range indicates unusually efficient performance over a very flat response curve - by any measure this is a "top of the range" LF Woofer driver unit.

Bottom E at 40 Hz is about 15 db down, which can be easily offset with a tone control or Graphic EQ


Loudspeaker System 1

In this case, the loudspeaker is mounted in a medium sized vented/ported enclosure, resulting in two peaks at 33 Hz and 66 Hz about the natural resonance of about 43 Hz.

Note: Although HF response rapidly falls away above 3,500 Hz, the frequency response needs described above indicate this loudspeaker is suitable for bass guitar.

It may also be suitable for lead guitar because the useable high frequency performance extends to over 3 kHz however it may not sound bright and clean because the cone will be thickened for heavy bass work.

The important feature to note with this enclosure configuration is that even when using a very high-quality transducer offering an average SPL of 100 db, the efficiency at system resonance (43 Hz) drops to 87 db - a reduction of 13 db on the average. Although this may appear to be an alarming performance, it is very typical of vented-enclosure loudspeaker systems.

If the lower register is equalised to flat response, supported by adequate amplifier power, then this system shows remarkable flatness across the entire bass guitar range of fundamentals and harmonics.

The slight increase in SPL in the mid-range is also of great benefit in speech applications.

It is also noteworthy to comment that the enclosure used for the above test is relatively large by volume. Typical small volume vented enclosures will demonstrate substantially higher peaks above and below the natural resonance - see paper on Loudspeaker Enclosures design.

Patchy LF response is definitely noticeable to the musician and should be avoided where practicable.


When mounted in an infinite baffle enclosure (i.e. sealed box) of generous proportions, or in a wall, the response curve will change to something like the following:


Loudspeaker System 2

Note: This is not the same driver unit as per the above Loudspeaker System 1 but the effect is well demonstrated.

The useable +- 3 db frequency range is nominally 50-1600 Hz.

It is also of interest to note the average "flat" section of the frequency response is about 3 db down on the first graph - System 1 - this system thus requiring twice the input driving power for the same loudness.

This loudspeaker may not be suitable for lead guitar because the midrange is peaky and falls away rapidly above 1500 Hz, where guitar harmonics are rich..


This system is included to demonstrate a different low-frequency and high-frequency roll-off characteristics to System 2.


Loudspeaker System 3

The HF response of System 3 rolls off rapidly from 1,000 Hz.  Consequently, this loudspeaker is NOT suitable for lead guitar because there is no definition of harmonics. It may be OK for rhythm guitar.



Major manufacturers produce a range of discrete guitar specific loudspeakers, tailored for individual characteristics.

The general characteristic is that they are loud, clean and bright.

Here are a few examples:


Celestion Blue 12 inch driver

The published frequency response for the popular Celestion Blue 12 inch driver shows a steady rolloff in all open strings (82-329 Hz). It is -7db at 82 Hz (open bottom E).

Using 1 kHz as a reference, the useable frequency range is about 100-6kHz – nicely matching a guitar fundamental tones plus harmonics. Due to the 5-10db rise in midrange SPL the sound will be bright.

The gradual bass rolloff from 500 Hz down and boost in the 2k-5kHz range are deliberate. As noted above, a 10 db increase in SPL is huge in power terms.

Celestion-Blue-12 inch_response.jpg


Eminence Professional Series Delta Pro

This 12 inch driver offers 97-107 db SPL across the useable range, is relatively flat but with an accent towards the mid-range and highs.

Eminence recommends this driver for professional audio in both sealed and vented enclosures. Ideal for full-range, mid/hi, and monitor wedges.

In other words a good general purpose all-round loudspeaker.



The Eminence Patriot Copperhead 10 inch driver offers a quite different response curve, with a reasonably progressive upwards slope on the full guitar frequency range – ideal for bright and clean lead guitar

Eminence says the Copperhead guitar speaker combines the best of two tones, balancing country honk with a touch of classic blues. Extremely balanced vintage tone for smooth, driven leads and clean rhythm.



The Celestion G10 Creamback 10 inch driver offers a smoother, more even response, relatively flat across the guitar frequency range. It is -5db at 82 Hz (open bottom E).

Using 1 kHz as a reference, the useable frequency range is about 80-6kHz – nicely matching a guitar fundamental tones plus harmonics. Due to the 5-7db rise in midrange SPL the sound will be bright.

Average SPL of this driver is nominally 5db lower than the Celestion Blue 12 inch driver shown above, resulting in the amplifier needing to deliver  nominally four times the power output to produce the same loudness as the Celestion Blue 12 inch unit. Food for thought.

This speaker would be suitable for either lead or rhythm application.

Celestion-Blue-12 inch_response.jpg



It is customary in two or three way loudspeaker systems to rate the whole system and not the individual components. Hence a tweeter from a 100 W RMS hi-fi system may actually only have a 10-20 W RMS rating on its own (within the restricted frequency response of the tweeter), because in typical music the power output is substantially more in the lower register than in the HF range.

It is common to see lower priced drivers rated in "Music Power" in an attempt to match low and high frequency power ratings when processing a "music" signal.

The tweeter and/or midrange unit in fact may have an even lower power rating if it is supplied through a system crossover network, which typically soak up 50% of power input (-3 db insertion loss).

In the case of the three examples above, for an even full-range frequency response, the Tweeter driver would need to have an efficiency matching the Woofer driver unit.  In all three cases illustrated, the Tweeter will need to be of very high quality - i.e. SPL 95-100 db - to match the Woofer performance.

WARNING:  In the case of guitar amplification, Tweeters cannot be successfully used in the same way as in hi-fi systems. The guitar pumps out high frequency signal at much the same power level as midrange or low frequency signals. This means that Tweeters must have a similar power rating as woofer units in the same system.

PIEZO tweeters usually have very high power ratings but exhibit very patchy frequency response characteristics, rendering them unsuited for high quality systems.

One way around this is to use twin-cone speakers, however these are generally intended for PA applications and not made with power ratings high enough for BASS. Of course multiple twin-cone units may be practically viable for some users.

There are however exceptions designed for musical instrument applications.

The P Audio 10 inch models HP10W and HP10T illustrate the difference between identical professional musical instrument loudspeakers with and without a "whizzer" tweeter cone. This loudspeaker spec. sheet has been chosen as an example because it directly compares identical designs which are typical of this class of loudspeaker.

Note the improvement in HF performance above 3,000 Hz in the case of the twin cone unit HP10T. This characteristic defines the advantage of a "whizzer" cone, which enables the loudspeaker to be driven at full power across all frequencies within its range.

IMHO twin-cone speakers are the very best option in lead/rythm guitar applications, where strong harmonics are desirable. In the case of  BASS guitar, twin-cone loudspeakers can be used satisfactorily but are not necessary - unless strong harmonics are required by the musician.

Note: As with all cone tweeters, Whizzer" cones are directional, so as the listener moves away from the frontal axis the SPL reduces, however in the case of bass reproduction this is not likely to be an issue. However if the amplifier is to be used as a backup for other instruments or voice, then twin cone loudspeakers are a good investment.

Contrary to popular belief, there is no limitation on the number of loudspeakers that can be connected to an amplifier – in fact the more speakers the better the system works because the sound is disbursed over a larger area.

Refer to the IMPORTANT NOTICE” at the top of this page.

Multiple loudspeakers - preferably of identical design and construction (although satisfactory performance can be obtained with dissimilar but tonally compatible units) - connected in series or parallel as needed - are a very efficient means of adding more power handling capability. It is usually cheaper to add an extra loudspeaker than to double amplifier power. Conversely it is usually cheaper to add an extra low-cost loudspeaker to double power handling capacity than to instal a single high cost higher performing unit. Do the sums!!

There is a cutoff point though - at about 100 W RMS continuous, where the available options for loudspeakers disappears very rapidly.

Few manufacturers make loudspeakers capable of handling both the electrical and physical stressors created at this power level. Usually they come in giant sizes – i.e. 18, 21 and 24 inch drivers, which are beyond the bounds of practicality for most users. However a true 100 W RMS can easily be handled continuously by four 12 inch drivers, mounted in a single large enclosure, or in multiple enclosures.

15 inch drivers are of course superior to 12 inch for bass.

Generally speaking, the bigger the better.

Serious consideration must be given to the loudspeaker behaviour at the power level intended to be reproduced. The validity (genuineness) of manufacturer's ratings needs to be carefully researched because it is too late to discover that a manufacturer has exaggerated ratings after the loudspeakers have been purchased and installed.

A little headroom can save an expensive loudspeaker from self-destruction resulting from electrical or physical damage.

Loudspeakers are notorious for generating distortion - of many kinds - so the more headroom the better. It follows that multiple speakers will require less cone travel for a given level of acoustic energy (loudness).

Twin-cone loudspeakers incorporating a whizzer cone, tend to change their frequency response with increasing cone travel. At low power outputs the cone and voice coil are very much controlled by the magnetic circuit, but at high cone excursions the cone may over-travel, be less damped, and lose relative drive to the high frequency whizzer cone - resulting in diminished high-frequency response and increased intermodulation distortion. However twin cone loudspeakers offer simplicity of enclosure design, high power output, predictable response and are a preferred low-cost option for public address systems, guitar amplifiers, car audio and home sound systems where full-range reproduction is sought. There is no loss of power into crossover networks.

In twin cone units it is preferable for the "whizzer" cone to be of curvilinear, exponential or logarithmic curve shape - ie trumpet like form. Plain simple cones do not provide linearity in frequency response or ideal tonal properties or SPL.

Some researchers have suggested that mixing twin-cone loudspeakers with tweeters does not work well, however it has for me so I am converted to accepting mixed cone systems.

Remember that the more the cone excursion, the greater the cone over-travel and the greater the back EMF into the amplifier.

Cone travel is a product of its kinetic energy so basically the heavier the cone the harder it is to stop it and reverse its direction - in response to the driving signal power.

If the amplifier is configured with negative loop feedback, the higher back-EMF will cause the feedback system to work harder, which in turn will cause the tonal properties of the sound to change as the amplifier tries to correct the effects of back-EMF from the loudspeaker system.

Another feature of excessive cone travel is substantially increased intermodulation distortion - not so much of a problem for bass guitar or electronic organ, but a definite challenge for hi-fi.

A simple solution to this effect is to use multiple loudspeakers in a totally enclosed or suitably loaded enclosure. The internal air pressure dampens cone travel in both directions, resulting in substantially higher efficiency and reduced back-EMF.

Research has demonstrated that the more cones included in an array of loudspeakers, the greater the low-frequency response from the system.

Watch cone movement - in and out. All loudspeakers have finite physical limitations.

To protect loudspeakers from damage and to extend useful service life and reliability, it is better to use multiple drivers with cones travelling less than a single driver with cone travelling more.

Damping of the cone movement can be electrical via amplifier feedback systems and acoustic via cabinet design, however since we want to pump air at low frequencies, damping can be counterproductive.

Another design element to consider is that commonly used crossover networks soak up power so it is an essential pre-requisite to determine how much audio power will be lost in the crossover network and add that to total needs.

Commonly seen losses in crossover networks are in the region of 3 db, which is another 50% of power gone down the drain, never to be heard of again!!

Some crossover networks are worse than that.

Crossover networks also suffer roll-off at the crossover frequency – i.e. roll-off in both upwards and downwards responses, so there tends to be a hole or dip at the crossover frequency.

To prevent power loss for BASS guitar we do not want a crossover network in the loudspeaker system at all.

If top end is wanted, then it is better to bi-amp with an electronic crossover up front.

Horn systems are significantly more acoustically efficient that direct radiator systems - in the order of 30% compared to 5% - i.e. up to six times more efficient. Accordingly, the amplifier drive requirements for a horn system may be significantly less. However horn systems have different "sound" or tonal qualities to direct radiator systems and that may not be acceptable to all listeners.

All loudspeaker systems require adequately damped cabinets to minimise resonance from the cabinet material and shape. This can occur at any audible frequency - not just in the bass register.

In the 1950's it was the norm for enclosures to be as large as was practicable. Totally enclosed loudspeaker enclosures (infinite baffle) require large volume for low resonance - 10-20 cubic feet volume was considered the minimum essential for resonance free solid bass response down to 30 Hz with a 12" speaker (it still is).

Guitar speaker enclosures need not be so huge and with the right choice of driver unit an open-backed cabinet can give good results.

Vented/Ported enclosures (with or without tunnel or passive radiator) offer substantial reduction in enclosure size but produce two resonance peaks – one above and one below the natural loudspeaker resonant frequency. These system peaks also cause similar rises in loudspeaker impedance, but the good news is that the peaks have less amplitude than for an unloaded cone, resulting in a flatter power response from the amplifier. This is important for a guitarist or bass guitarist because we want all notes on the scale to have equal loudness.

Finally, in my opinion it is wiser to spend more on the loudspeaker than the amplifier, because the loudspeaker will have greater effect on the final sound. As explained elsewhere on this site a 3 db improvement in loudspeaker efficiency (SPL) saves half the amplifier power. In other words, a 100 db SPL speaker requires only half the power input as a 97 db SPL speaker. It is far more economical to buy a higher performing speaker than an amplifier having twice the power.

Note: On the same scale SPL/power ratio a 99 db SPL speaker requires four times the amplifier power than a 105 db SPL speaker to achieve the same SPL loudness level to the listener in the room.

Note: In the current global trading environment - price and performance are not always directly connected.

For an informative study into loudspeaker enclosures for guitar amplifiers see Jim Lill’s videos at and



1.       It is advisable to mount large enclosures on wheels or castors to facilitate loading, unloading and transportation to a venue, as well as moving around and positioning on stage.

2.      It is advisable to instal retractable or external handles on each side of a cabinet to facilitate lifting. The joint between a handle and the cabinet should be sealed to prevent air leakage from inside to outside of the cabinet because this will affect speaker performance dramatically.

3.      To protect the speaker cone from impacts or tears it is essential to cover the front baffle with either grille cloth or wire mesh.



A cone loudspeaker is a simple air pump. Cone loudspeakers rely upon a tight seal between the front and rear of the cone to prevent the acoustic energy short-circuiting around the rim of the frame. The free air power handling of a loudspeaker is only a small fraction of the rated power handling capacity when properly mounted and loaded in an enclosure because the lack of acoustic loading on the cone can result in over-excursion of the cone and potential physical damage at quite low power levels - particularly at the resonant frequency.

In all applications where power levels and cone excursions may be high, it is desirable to seal the metal rim of the frame to the cabinet with a sealant such as black mastic compound - particularly when the speaker is mounted on the front of the baffle  - i.e. on the outside of the cabinet.
2.12    TONE

Tone controls and/or graphic equaliser are essential for a guitar system to customize the sound sought.

IMPORTANT: The low frequency boost should occur at 80 Hz or less. A lower frequency is preferable to avoid over-accentuating the low notes.

If the boost frequency is too high, the bass is likely to sound boomy or hollow. When coupled with a poor quality speaker system, the result will be hollow bass devoid of depth of tone.




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